A downloadable game for Windows

A fun vr project I did for a class. I tried to use a combinations of shaders, particles, and music to enhance the player interaction with the controls of the train.

The game is poorly optimized so some of the buttons may cause severe lag, I would recommend a moderately beefy pc to run this.

Artstation: https://www.artstation.com/artwork/142PYG


TrainSimulator-Windows-v0.9.zip 95 MB

Install instructions

Windows build only. Supports Oculus Quest 2 (and probably other oculus headsets but I haven't tested them). You need to connect your Oculus to your computer however you want (I used air link with the Quest 2) and then launch the executable after you connected. Works with controllers but is more fun with hand tracking enabled. If you are not positioned in the chair, just reset view in the Oculus menu.


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Can you play this without a VR Headset?

Unfortunately no, mostly because its less of a game and more of a tech demo for hand tracking.